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Top 40 Band

Looking for the perfect ensemble for you to play the top 40 hits that you and even your neighbors have listened to? Well, Jazz Revolution always steps up their game and you can be assured that Jazz Revolution will be perfectly able to play those top 40 hits no matter the era or genre.

Whether it's for your brother or sister’s wedding, an acquaintance party, or simply a family reunion, you can always count on Jazz Revolution especially if you are looking for a top 40 band to play at your very special occasion.

Also known as "Contemporary hit radio", the top 40 songs are those that have topped the list of most played or requested songs over the radio. Nowadays, there has also been the emergence of what is known as digital charts like those from Spotify or Itunes. Jazz Revolution is a versatile group of talented musicians coming from different backgrounds with different stories—stories to tell through their delightful and wonderful music. You can always be sure that Jazz Revolution will surely live up to your expectations of how the hit songs in the top 40 list should be played no matter the era especially at your important event.



Playing songs from the top 40 list is no ordinary feat, but Jazz Revolution is also no ordinary ensemble. Whether it is songs from hitmakers whose songs have made it into the top 40 list like The Beatles with hits like “Here Comes the Sun”, Don’t Let me Down”, “Let it Be”, and “ Hey Jude” or the electrifying songs from The Rolling Stones like “ Gimme Shelter”, Jumpin’ Jack Flash” or ‘ A Sympathy for the Devil”, you can surely be certain that Jazz Revolution can give justice to such timeless hits. Jazz Revolution offers you a top 40 band performance that you surely would want to have at your event.

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